I am fascinated by the idea of contrast. Not solely the difference between lights and darks, but also of the distinction between ideas. My art is driven by playing up the difference between happiness and sadness, fear and comfort, life and death. I am acutely aware of the gap between these things in my own life. I truly believe that one must feel unimaginable pain at some point to truly appreciate happiness when it sticks around in their life. My art attempts to highlight this difference, so that the viewer can begin to analyze this contrast that exists in their own being. The subtle optimism that fuels this thought process, that pain can be defined not as its own entity but as an absence of joy, not only fits with my picture of the world, but also inspires the art I make. No matter how dejected the imagery I portray is, my work is on the whole attempting to convey something innately positive.
I am fascinated by the idea of contrast. Not solely the difference between lights and darks, but also of the distinction between ideas. My art is driven by playing up the difference between happiness and sadness, fear and comfort, life and death. I am acutely aware of the gap between these things in my own life. I truly believe that one must feel unimaginable pain at some point to truly appreciate happiness when it sticks around in their life. My art attempts to highlight this difference, so that the viewer can begin to analyze this contrast that exists in their own being. The subtle optimism that fuels this thought process, that pain can be defined not as its own entity but as an absence of joy, not only fits with my picture of the world, but also inspires the art I make. No matter how dejected the imagery I portray is, my work is on the whole attempting to convey something innately positive.
In my mind, photography is all about capturing something fleeting. Taking a snapshot of a precious moment in time, when multiple elements come together to create something irreplaceable, is one of the most fulfilling and absolutely breathtaking aspects of photography. Although it is possible to mimic circumstances and settings in order to recreate a picture, it is completely impossible to exactly replicate the moment the picture was taking. This is the inspiration behind the photographs that I take—the idea that it is possible to perfectly preserve a moment in your life. From a plant whose beauty is naturally highlighted in the light to the spontaneity of a friend washing their hair in a sink, I look for this in my subject matter when photographing with my Nikon D3100. While there is not a predominant imagery or color, the thought process unifying my work is the true theme that I hope to express.
In my mind, photography is all about capturing something fleeting. Taking a snapshot of a precious moment in time, when multiple elements come together to create something irreplaceable, is one of the most fulfilling and absolutely breathtaking aspects of photography. Although it is possible to mimic circumstances and settings in order to recreate a picture, it is completely impossible to exactly replicate the moment the picture was taking. This is the inspiration behind the photographs that I take—the idea that it is possible to perfectly preserve a moment in your life. From a plant whose beauty is naturally highlighted in the light to the spontaneity of a friend washing their hair in a sink, I look for this in my subject matter when photographing with my Nikon D3100. While there is not a predominant imagery or color, the thought process unifying my work is the true theme that I hope to express.